Friday, December 21, 2007

La Dentelle Belle

This scarf is for a new KAL group I joined just recently. It's called ILoveKandCAlongs and the group does various KAL & CAL projects. This was the first for me. It took me awhile to cast on. This was the KAL for November :S...but I had to get some of my UFOs for Christmas done first. I'm happy to say that MOST of them got done :D Only my poor Mystic Waters Shawl is still languishing in the UFO pile...

At any rate, when I finally got the change to cast on it was a cold rainy day...hence the reason I couldn't resist the bright cheerful yellow yarn! :) I'll admit it's brighter than I would normally pick - usually I stay FAAAAARRR away from yellow. It's never been a favorite of mine, but I had one skein of Classic Elite Provence yarn hanging around that seemed perfect for this project. I bought it on sale somewhere just because I wanted to try out the yarn and never knew what to do with it before... I do have to say that despite the color I really like the yarn. The color is even starting to appeal to me too ;)

Hopefully when the new year comes around I'll get better at posting more often. I'll have to come up with some sort of schedual...

However, this will probably be my only post for Dec, so Happy Holidays all!!


Anonymous said...

OMG that is gorgeous!!!!

Peggy said...

Isn't that beautiful!!!!! I still have mine OTN. :(