Saturday, October 13, 2007

So much to do!

Sorry I haven't gotten this up and running yet. I joined three KALs and got my Ravelry invite all around the same time. Needless to say I'm probably trying to juggle too many things at once, but oh well...

At any rate I've got my to-do list going and hope to have pictures posted by tommorrow. Starting with my SoS progress. I finally finished section one of the Secret of the Stole KAL. Hurray!! I only had to start over once, but don't try to ask me how many times I tinked back a row or two...Thank Heaven for my lifelines! Hopefully section two will go a little smoother.

Since this is the first post, I'll leave with a cat purl of wisdom:
"Always stay slightly unpredictable in your keeps life interesting."

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