Ok, I know that sounds like a strange thing to say, but after struggling with my health for almost a year now it feels good to just know I'm not crazy. I've been sick since January and no one's been able to figure out what was wrong with me. Obviously something was wrong, I kept loosing weight was tired all the time and had a problem with nausea and abdominal pain. I've been through 6 different doctors and more tests than I care to remember. Finally my gasteroenterologist sent me up to Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in LA. Thanks to them I finally got a diagnosis...Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Apparently this is more common than Dr's like to admit. At any rate, the Dr had me on some pretty strong antibiotics for the last few weeks. Thankfully it seems to be working! Unfortunatly because I've had the bacteria for so long, it may take a couple courses of medicine to finally get rid of it. I don't mind that, the only thing I do mind is that the medicine wipes me out when I take it - both physically and mentally. It makes me REALLY loopy and scatterbrained.
Due to the medication making me loopy, I haven't gotten very far on my current KAL's . I'm so far behind on the Mystic Waters Shawl that I'm not sure I'm going to get it done for Christmas. The pattern was too complicated for me to work on while medicated. I was planing on it being a gift, but I may have to revise my plans.
However, I'm close to being caught up on the Secret of the Stole! This is the photo of section 5:

I took photos of the previous sections, but didn't get them posted here. I have each section on my Ravelry project page though. I'm hoping to get section 6 done and posted in time to participate in the drawing tomorrow. It will be the first time I will have been caught up since the KAL started. This has been a great project for my first stole. The pattern is challenging enough to keep me interested, but not so challenging that it frustrates me. I have to say that DK (Nautical Knitter) has done a wonderful job. Thanks for all the fun!
I do have to say that I've really gotten addicted to lace knitting. I've since joined 3 more KALs...secret-of-bad-nauheim, dem-fischer-sin-fru and secretofthestole-ii. Here's hoping I can keep up! lol!
Oh, I am sorry you are ill! Your stole looks beautiful though. =0)
Take care of yourself.
This is great info to know.
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