Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I must be INSANE!

Well, it's official...I've signed up for a total of 4 KAL's now, on top of all my other projects I have going on. Boy when someone told me that these things were addictive they weren't kidding!! One just leads to another and you keep convincing yourself that "Sure, I could use another project...". Never mind the 15-20 other things you've got going on at the moment.

Oh, well....

At any rate, I'm doing my best to keep up. I just finished section 2 of Secret of the Stole and plan to have a jpg up either later today or tomorrow morning. Now on to section 3!! I'm hoping to get caught up before section 4 gets released this friday. However, that may not be possible due to the fact that the Mystic Waters Shawl KAL begins on Wednesday...

As for that KAL, I finally got my yarn and made up my swatch for Mystic Waters.

I'm using a laceweight Merino yarn from Wooly Wonka Fibers. It's the Northern Lights colorway and I'm loving it! This yarn is so easy to work with and feels really nice in my hands. I can't wait to see how the finished shawl will be. It's going to make it REALLY hard to give it up for a Christmas present! :)

The Hemlock Ring KAL I've been working on is in limbo right now. I had the extra yarn so I decided to use the expanded chart and make it larger. I'm not ready to send it to the UFO pile just yet. I still plan on finishing it, I've just gotten a little side tracked with all these KAL's and Ravelry ( another really addicting place ).

Thankfully my last KAL the Spring Shawl Surprice won't start till January. I'm hoping that by then I'll be finished with most of whats going on now and will be able to concentrate on it. But of course you know how that goes...one project gets finished and another one mystically appears to fill the void :) LoL, Why fight it?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Secret of the Stole #1

Ok, I finally got the picture taken... I finished section one last night and have cautiously started on section two. This time with no TV to distract me! Considering this is my first lace project I guess I got a little ambitious (or would it be cocky) in trying to work on the stole while watching TV at the same time. Not a good combo when you want to concentrate...especially if you're trying to watch Heroes. :)

At any rate, I'm working my stole in Knit Picks Shadow - Vinyard on a size 4 circular. I do have to say that this is my first KAL of this type and I'm loving it! Everyone is really helpful and DK's pattern is a lot of fun. Thank you so much to all involved!!

PS (No there are no beads involved in my version. I figured since it was my first time knitting lace that I didn't need anything extra to make the project more involved. :) )

Saturday, October 13, 2007

So much to do!

Sorry I haven't gotten this up and running yet. I joined three KALs and got my Ravelry invite all around the same time. Needless to say I'm probably trying to juggle too many things at once, but oh well...

At any rate I've got my to-do list going and hope to have pictures posted by tommorrow. Starting with my SoS progress. I finally finished section one of the Secret of the Stole KAL. Hurray!! I only had to start over once, but don't try to ask me how many times I tinked back a row or two...Thank Heaven for my lifelines! Hopefully section two will go a little smoother.

Since this is the first post, I'll leave with a cat purl of wisdom:
"Always stay slightly unpredictable in your actions...it keeps life interesting."